德語資深母語譯員-資深德語校審Eging Elamm 簡介
Journalist full time since 1979, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio
Freelance Translator:
full time since 1982
1) (Linux ,VM Win 7) AMD 4 x 3.2 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 4 TB HD, 2 GB Graphics.,
27“ Monitor, DVD(RW)/CD(RW)-ROM, Net
2) (Linux, VM Win 2K) AMD 3.5 GHz, 6 GB RAM, 500 GB HD, 21” Monitor,
CD(RW), Net,
3) (Linux) Pentium 1.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 800 GB HD, CD-ROM, Net
All hardware is part of my Linux Network, inst. + admin. by myself
DSL, HTTP, FTP, VoIP, Skype, IMs
Atril DVX, Trados, SDLX and more
Other SW:
UNIX/Linux, Windows win7/XP/2000/98/95, MS-Office XP/2000/95/97, Star-Office, Word 6.0/7.0/8.0/9.0/XP, WordPro 9.6, WordPerfect, FrameMaker, Corel Draw/Ventura Publisher, ScreenSchooter, ATM 6.0, ForeHelp, RoboHelp, Gimp, FrontPage, HTML-Editors, Localization Tools, Glossaries + Databases, etc.
15 own books (Software/Operating systems), Software Manuals from scratch, Customer Magazines, in-house newspapers, daily newspapers (employed, BILD Zeitung and others, PR agencies)
Copy writing (press releases), Compaq + Microsoft translation team Germany, Computer/Telecommunication Hardware/Software Manuals, Database Management, Networks, Operating Systems, Localization projects & Books for IBM, SAP, ECI, Scitex, Ashton Tate, Xerox, Progress, MyApollo, CommTouch, Peregrine, Paragon, Mer, Bosch, Ford, Toyota, GM, WebSites: FriendFinder (about 500 hours), Peregrine Systems, Inc. (OTC:PRGN.PK) (85,000 words), etc.
German version of: “Message Queuing Connector” (see Win2000-CD:Valueadd \3rdparty\level8\mqc.que), press releases for small, medium and Fortune 500 companies , etc.
Average performance:
Translation: 2.500 – 3.500 words/day