地道口語:如何表達(dá)“笨手笨腳” | |
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發(fā)起人:eging 回復(fù)數(shù):0 瀏覽數(shù):7028 最后更新:2019/12/2 6:39:33 by eging |
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eging 發(fā)表于 2019/12/2 6:39:35
地道口語:如何表達(dá)“笨手笨腳” 下面三個(gè)習(xí)慣用語都是形容笨手笨腳的人。
1. butter-fingers Butterfingers是由兩個(gè)字組成的,一個(gè)是butter。Butter就是黃油,另一個(gè)字是:fingers。 Fingers就是手指。黃油手指是什么意思呢? 你想一想,要是你手上都是黃油,你會感到很油膩,很滑,要抓什么東西也抓不住。所以,美國人就把那些笨手笨腳,經(jīng)常會拿不住東西,打破,或打壞東西的人稱為butterfingers。在美國,你可能會聽到人們說: 例句-1:Some Americans are all butterfingers the first time they try to pick up and use Asian chopsticks. 有些美國人在第一次用亞洲人用的筷子的時(shí)候,都是笨手笨腳的。 例句-2:Pete's a hard worker. But he has a tough time holding a restaurant job. He's a real butterfingers and keeps spilling dishes when he brings an order to the table. Pete是一個(gè)工作很努力的人。但是他很難持續(xù)他在飯館的工作。在上菜的時(shí)候,他經(jīng)常會把菜灑出來,真是笨手笨腳。 2. all thumbs Thumbs就是大拇指。你可以想象,要是一個(gè)人的兩只手全是大拇指,那他還能干活嗎?當(dāng)然不行。 例句-3: Dick isn't very good using tools around the house. He's all thumbs: when he hammers a nail he's likely to end up hitting his finger instead. And you'd be shocked to hear the bad language he uses when that happens! Dick在家里用工具干活是不太行的。他總是笨手笨腳,當(dāng)他要敲一個(gè)釘子的時(shí)候,他往往會敲到他自己的手指上。把自己敲痛了,他就破口大罵,你聽了真會嚇一跳。 例句-4: Sheila won't let me help her clear the dishes after dinner any more after I dropped her favorite plate and broke it. Now she tells our friends I'm all thumbs. 上次我把Sheila心愛的盤子打破后,她就不再讓我吃完晚飯后洗碗了。她現(xiàn)在告訴我們的朋友我是多么的笨手笨腳。 3. two left feet Two left feet就是兩只左腳。我們每個(gè)人都有一只右腳和一只左腳。要是一個(gè)人有兩只左腳的話,那要走路,跑步和跳舞就很別扭了。下面這個(gè)例子就是一個(gè)人在說他學(xué)跳舞的情況。 例句-5: In high school I had a hard time learning all the popular dance steps. At first, you know, I felt like I had two left feet. But I kept trying and these days my wife tells me she even enjoys taking a turn around the dance floor with me. 念中學(xué)的時(shí)候,我學(xué)那些流行的舞步可真不容易。你知道嗎,剛開始的時(shí)候,我覺得兩只腳真別扭。但是,我不斷練習(xí),現(xiàn)在我太太告訴我她還挺高興和我一起跳舞。 例句-6: Hey, what's the matter with you boots! I told you 'always start off on your left foot.' And watching you clowns stumble around, you've all got two left feet! 嗨,你們這些新兵是怎么回事呀!我告訴你們“總是左腳起步?!笨茨銈儢|歪西倒的,真象小丑一樣,你們的兩只腳怎么那么別扭! |
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