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發(fā)表時間:2015/11/13 00:00:00  瀏覽次數:3054  
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1. 朋友越走越近,鄰居越走越親

Friends and neighbors become closer when they visit each other more often.
2. 志同道合
People who cherish the same ideals follow the same path.
3. 亞洲各國就像一盞盞明燈,只有串聯并聯起來,才能讓亞洲的夜空燈火輝煌。
Asian countries are just like a cluster of bright lanterns. Only when we link them together, can we light up the night sky in our continent.
4. "一帶一路"
"Belt and Road"
5. 如果將"一帶一路"比喻為亞洲騰飛的兩只翅膀,那么互聯互通就是兩只翅膀的血脈經絡。
If the "Belt and Road" are likened to the two wings of a soaring Asia, then connectivity is like their arteries1 and veins2.
6. 有路才能人暢其行,物暢其流
With roads in place, people and goods can flow.
7. 山明水凈夜來霜,數樹深紅出淺黃。
The water is clear and the mountain is bright, The frost comes in at night; Trees are covered with deep scarlet3 leaves Mixed with yellow that is light.
8. 志存高遠,腳踏實地
aspire4 for high and grand while planting our feet firmly on the ground
9. 互聯互通
10. 是繼續(xù)引領世界、創(chuàng)造美好未來,還是放慢腳步、等待被人超越?是深化一體化進程、還是陷入碎片化漩渦?是踐行開放、包容理念、共同開創(chuàng)亞太世紀,還是身體已進入21世紀而思維模式還停留在過去?
Shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future, or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others? Shall we deepen the integration5 process, or shall we let ourselves slip into a vortex of fragmentation? Shall we embrace openness and inclusiveness to work together for an Asia-Pacific century, or shall we cling to an outdated6 mindset until for the 21st century?
11. 大時代需要大格局,大格局需要大智慧
A great era calls for great vision, which in turn requires great wisdom.
12. 朋友多了,路才好走。
More friends, more opportunities.
13. 應該變贏者通吃為各方共贏,共同做大亞太發(fā)展的蛋糕
We should replace the "winner-take-all" mentality7 with an all-win approach and work together for great development and prosperity of our region.
14. 生活從不眷顧因循守舊、滿足現狀者,而將更多機遇留給勇于和善于改革創(chuàng)新的人們。
Life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo. Instead, life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate8.
15. 如果說創(chuàng)新是中國發(fā)展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的點火器

If innovation is the new engine for China's development, reform is the indispensable igniter.

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